Unauthorized Talk On Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Monday, November 10, 2003
Dr Gupta is Pregnant

This just in. Dr. Sanjay Gupta has found a way for a man to actually carry a baby. Sources say he has used his own body for the medical experiment. This is actually the first time in the history of man that a male has ever been able to conceive a child. Dr. Gupta used his own body for the medical experiment, because no other man was brave enough to volunteer. There are many women who are claiming they are the father of this child. Sources say that a unidentified woman named Guava could possibly be the father, but another unidentified woman who goes by the online user name of Sunshine claims she impregnated the handsome doc. Now the most commonly asked question in the news is "Who got Dr. Gupta pregnant?" Women are coming out of the wood works claiming to be the father, but no one knows if they are telling the truth. Stay tuned for updates on this story.
posted by LaJuan @ 6:17 AM
The Dr. Gupta Drink

You would have super human strength
Your muscles would swell up all over and
Your breath would never stink.
Now how many of you believe that?
posted by LaJuan @ 6:06 AM