Unauthorized Talk On Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Sunday, June 26, 2005

Erin: I just heard on CNN by way of Bill Hemmer, Carol Costello, and Chad Myers that Sanjay and Rebecca had a baby girl yesterday. Her name is Sage. Congrats to Rebecca and Sanjay! :) :)
Ann: Yah hip hip horay!!! Welcome to the world baby Sage Gupta...Now they need to have a boy...or whatever they want...Maybe they should have twins like me...That'll really be some bundles of joy...Right now I bet they are just happy to have the little girl in the world...I been praying for Rebecca and the baby to no-pain healthy delivery...If it's possible to have a no-pain delivery.
Amy Hickox: Congratulations on Sage! I learned about her birth on CNN this morning on CNN.
Heidi: Happy Father's Day to Sanjay and what a nice belated Mother's Day gift for Rebecca!
Carly: Our best wishes go out to Sanjay and Rebecca too.. I bet little Sage is gorgeous!! Bless them all...
JOY TO THE WORLD: Yes Yes Yes HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TO DR. SANJAY GUPTA. May he have many many more to come. Didn't all you girls want to be the mother of his baby? I want to be the mother of SOMETHING. I not sure want though.
Kandy: Congratulations to dr sanjay and his wife on their new baby
Ann: You know ladies I always knew Dr. Gupta was a stud.

The photo is from Emory Magazine. To read a great article on Dr. Gupta click on this link.
posted by LaJuan @ 4:44 PM