Unauthorized Talk On Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Saturday, May 22, 2004

Ann: This morning I saw God Gupta and Bill Hemmer give a report on man who had 6 nails shot in his head with a nail gun. The x-rays were incredible. To see the x-rays, it would make you think, "How did this man survive?" It made me want to go out and shoot some nails though my brain to see if I could get my chance to meet God Gupta. Maybe he would save my life and nurse me back to good brain health. I'm going out to buy a nail gun today.
Scarlet Termite: Annibelle, don't shoot nails in your head! Shoot nails in Sindhu's head and then be the rescuer that God Gupta falls for because you are so brave to shoot nails into your good friends head then take her to the ER.

Ann: I tried to shoot nails into Sindhu's head, but it never would penetrate. (Evil Laughing He He He)
Sindhu: That's because I have plenty of thick skin around the skull LOL!!!
Ann: I'm just kidding Sindhu...You know I love ya...
Sindhu: Annie baby, I know.
Ann: Well Sindhu you know if you shot a nail though your head you might get your chance to meet Dr. Gupta...You would have to suffer a lot of pain, but it would be worth it if you got to meet him hun? And hey Sindhu if you need any help to pull the trigger...just call me buddy.(evil laugh snicker snicker)
posted by LaJuan @ 8:46 PM
Friday, May 21, 2004

Ann: Well strange people seem to show up on the internet at the Dr. Gupta talk site...A person claiming to be Dr. Gupta's dog Bosco showed up...And now someone claiming to be Dr. Gupta's cat named Garfield showed up...You know folks...The internet is full of strange and interesting animals...Just read this talk from the Dr. Gupta talk site:
Garfield cat: I will have you know I am Sanjay's pet. Bosco has now been taken to the pound. I hated that mad dog anyway. He slobbered on my furr and he sniffed my ass. He was a fea feast in a good neighborhood. We are all glad Dr. Gupta got rid of him.
Ann: Well Gee... Garfield Cat it's very nice to meet you...Welcome to the group...You should be a lot of fun...Does Dr. Gupta and his new bride treat you good? Do they rub you behind the ears, and pet your belly and such?
Erin: Nice to meet you Garfield Cat.
Garfield cat: Cats are better than dogs. Have you gone to see my movie? That will prove Cats are better than dogs. You never saw Lassie make it to the big screen did you?

Ann: I never knew Dr. Gupta owned a famous cat...Garfield..I thought you were owned by Hollywood ...Don't you hang out with Odie and such?...What the heck are you doing in Dr. Gupta's house?...I thought you were a rich fat cat that didn't need anyone...Is Dr. Gupta improving your health?...Does he feed you healthly lean kitty food and make you lift weights and such?...Has he put you on a diet or something?...You don't poop in his house do you?...Bad Kitty...psss meow%@#$$$#@#$...pssss
posted by LaJuan @ 9:32 PM

posted by LaJuan @ 8:53 PM