Unauthorized Talk On Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Saturday, November 22, 2003
This is not my favorite talking head:

This guy is my favorite talking head:

Anybody else agree with me?
posted by LaJuan @ 8:37 PM

The hot car the hot Doc Drives
posted by LaJuan @ 6:54 PM
OK Folks this could be the closest you will ever get to seeing Dr. Sanjay Gupta's back side, so enjoy it while you can.

posted by LaJuan @ 6:17 PM
Love Talk For Dr. Sanjay Gupta's People Magazine Picture

Sunshine: You know I love how Dr Gupta said in People Magazine "I think I'm an emotional Doctor, I'll sit right down on the bed next to them and talk." How many of you ladies want to bet that a bunch of women go out and fake a brain tumor just to get Dr. Gupta to sit on their bed? I bet it will happen. How many of you think fak'in a brain tumor would be worth it to get Dr. Gupta to sit on your bed? Are we still in Gupta God worship?
Lisa: Funny Sunshine. Too funny! You know, if he sat down next to me on the bed they'd have to call cardiology because my heart would just stop!
Annie: Sit down on the bed???? How' bout lying next to me good Doctor...
Sunshine: Yeah Lisa baby I got 2 more brain tumors today just staring at that new People magazine picture of him in the grass. At this point in life I wish I could be the grass under his a**.
Sindhu Kumar: Ok ladies: how about me jumping with the rest of you all in Sanjay's sack?
Sunshine: Boy Sindhu...Sanjay is going to get a lot of love from this People Magazine article. Us Gupta Girls are going to lay it on thick. Hey Dr. Gupta WE LOVE YOU. YOU FINE THING YOU!!!
posted by LaJuan @ 3:26 PM
Friday, November 21, 2003
This green headed guy is Dr. Gupta when CNN has made him work to long. Poor Dr. Gupta he was so tired and we love him so much, but he scared the Gupta Girl's pet mouse. Now the poor little mouse is in hospital needing Brain Surgery. Dr Gupta is going to operate and save the little mouse's life.

posted by LaJuan @ 11:04 PM
Lick'in Love On Dr. Gupta

Dang even lizards love to lick on Dr. Gupta. Must be some good Gupta juice.
posted by LaJuan @ 8:12 PM

posted by LaJuan @ 6:44 PM
Johnny Depp and Dr. Sanjay Gupta Are People Magazines Sexiest Men

Ann Stewart: Johnny Depp is People Magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive 2003". The magazine hits stands today. I found this site on Johnny Depp that will tell you more or you may go to People Magazines website.
My favorite news man Dr Sanjay Gupta is also in this issue of People magazine as being one of the sexiest men. Better get you a copy. Read the talk on Dr. Gupta being the most chosen for the honor of being one of the 50 most beautiful men in the world:
Sindhu Kumar: For all you Gupta loving gals (myself included) check the latest edition of People's sexiest man alive, our guy, Sanjay, has been named as one of the sexiest doctors in America. this issue will be available on Friday, 11/21/03
Mick Harris: Thanks, Sindhu. I am one of those men who think the same - but it is a combination of his looks, charm and intelligence. I heard about PEOPLE on the Today Show and am trying to find out what number he is. Thanks for posting this, though.
Scarlet Termite: Guptaman ought to be #1 but they didn't let us do the pickin!
Ann Stewart: Yeah I definitely would have made him # 1 on the list. Dr. Gupta is definitely finer than those other men on the list, but I thought they were all fine.
uber Diva: I've seen the People Top 10 and alas, he's not in it. So somewhere between 11 and 50. Wonder if any other CNN adonis anchorman made the list?
Tricia: I guess I'm not the only one who like Sanjay! I just got the People issue today. Was he a child prodigy? Being a neurosurgeon at only 34 is young to me.
posted by LaJuan @ 1:49 PM
Thursday, November 20, 2003
Talk For Dr. Sanjay Gupta

OK everybody don't forget to pick up a copy of People Magazine next week. Dr. Gupta will be the most beautiful Doctor in that issue.
posted by LaJuan @ 5:56 PM
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Dr. Gupta In People Magazine?

Sindhu Kumar: For all you Gupta loving gals (myself included) check the latest edition of people's sexiest man alive, our guy, Sanjay, has been named as one of the sexiest doctors in America. This issue will be available on Friday, 11/21/03
Mick Harris: Thanks, sindhu99sk. I am one of those men who think the same - but it is a combination of his looks, charm and intelligence. I heard about PEOPLE on the Today Show and am trying to find out what number he is. Thanks for posting this, though.
Scarlet Termite: Guptaman ought to be #1 but they didn't let us do the pick'in!
posted by LaJuan @ 4:03 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Drinking Dr. Gupta

Sunshine Says: If you could drink a glass of Dr. Gupta. Your hair would grow stronger. Your teeth would be whiter. Your lips would get fatter and your hips would get smaller. Oh.... if you could only drink a glass of Dr. Gupta.
posted by LaJuan @ 7:40 PM